Underlying Conditions Complicate Workers’ Comp Injury Rehabilitation

New research from a Harbor Health Systems study demonstrates the significant impact of underlying conditions on workers’ comp claims. Commonly associated with higher costs and increased duration, this latest research illustrates an undeniable link between patients with comorbidities and undesirable claims outcomes.

A Problematic Pile-Up

Analyzing data from more than 7,000 workers’ comp claims, encompassing seven common comorbidities: Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, mental health, addiction, tobacco use, and combination comorbidities, claims associated with comorbid conditions were found to have incurred an array of undesirable side effects…
  • Higher medical costs
    • Multiple comorbidities increased total costs a whopping 341%
  • Longer claims duration
    • 76% increase with multiple comorbidities
    • 67% increase with addiction
    • 55% increase with obesity
  • More temporary total disability days (TTD)
    • Significantly higher overall in all groups
    • 285% higher with multiple comorbidities
    • 274% higher with addiction
  • Increased surgery rates
    • Up 123% with multiple comorbidities
    • Up 140% with obesity
  • Increased litigation
    • 147% higher with multiple comorbidities
    • 224% higher with addiction
    • 248% with mental health-related claims

Overall Outlook

While tobacco use had little effect on claims, multiple comorbidities and obesity had the greatest impact on overall, followed by addiction, mental health, and hypertension. Relationships between comorbidities were also found further complicate health and financial risks, with worker age throwing yet another wrench in the works.

Changing Direction

Given these research findings, it is obvious a more comprehensive, systemic approach to workers’ comp claim management is essential to improving treatment results, from a more thorough intake data analysis and the management of multiple health issues addressed by numerous providers and prescriptions, to identifying and finding alternative treatments to those that could result in narcotics abuse.

Quality Matters

Minimizing these risks and providing optimal outcomes for injured workers while controlling workers’ comp costs is no easy feat, and requires a tried and true strategy. ANS Cost Containment Programs work uniquely to address these issues with the only true face-to-face, end-to-end pharmaceutical cost containment program in the industry that genuinely puts patients first while minimizing claims costs through personalized relationships and in-depth case knowledge and review.
Rapid treatment progress and reduced claims costs are possible. Achieve maximum all-around results. Discover how with http://www.ans-solutions.com today.