Showing posts with label polypharmacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polypharmacy. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Perils of Polypharmacy

In the context of large loss workers compensation claims and the treatment of pain in injured workers, polypharmacy is typically associated with the use of four or more medications. As a result, polypharmacy creates an environment where several complications can occur. Here we delve into some critical issues affecting the injured worker as a result of polypharmacy: compliance, drug interaction and risk of addiction.

Dosage Compliance & Drug Interactions

To put it simply, compliance is taking medications the way they are intended to be taken. The lack of compliance with a prescribed treatment regimen is most often unintentional. A patient may inadvertently take the wrong dosage, miss a dosage entirely or mix dangerous combinations of drugs. Further, even though the right dosages may be administered, drug interaction poses yet another harmful risk for the injured worker. Treating physicians may not be communicating with each other and therefore are unaware of existing medications or treatment regimens which may affect quality of care. For example, MAO inhibitors and blood thinners can actually counteract or reduce another medication's effectiveness.

Possible Addiction & Overdose

Addiction and overdose are both related to treatment and dosage compliance. An unfortunate lack in monitoring a patient’s treatment program and progress may result in missed warning signs and missed opportunities to modify a treatment program based on patient’s recovery. Quite often addiction is not self-imposed but rather, factors such as duplicate therapies, inappropriate treatments and excessive dosages of opioids set the stage. Pain treatment through highly addictive opioids, coupled with a lack of patient education on the risks and dangers of these drugs, subjects injured workers to a path of drug addiction which may hinder or prevent recovery.

How Can ANS Solutions Pharmacotherapy Review Help?

Our Pharmacotherapy review program can help uncover possible risks that could have a dramatic impact on the person's health. Typically, Pharmacotherapy Review uncovers major issues including duplicate therapies, dangerous or deadly drug interactions, or behaviors related to drug addiction. All of which may contribute to a longer recovery time, no recovery or even death for an injured worker. By bringing these issues to light and recommending a more appropriate course of action our program can enhance the quality of life for the injured worker while also increasing financial cost for Payers.
To find out more about our Pharmacotherapy Review Program visit the website today at

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