Monday, November 2, 2015

Medical Cost Containment Does Not Mean Compromised Care

The existing way that the workers’ compensation industry handles large loss claims has been contributing to diminished quality in care for injured workers, increased costs associated with treatments, and poorly coordinated care. Care delivery within workers’ compensation programs is arguably even more inefficient than in general healthcare but it does NOT have to be this way. Payers can have the best of both worlds with medical cost containment strategies that provide quantifiable outcomes that positively impact the patient’s health while also driving down associated treatment costs.

How does Medical Cost Containment Improve the Quality of Care for Injured Workers?

Interventions with prescribers can be instrumental in improving the quality of life and treatment for patients. ANS PharmaIntervention is designed to help treating physicians detect and correct underlying problems, promote functional improvement and reduce narcotic usage. Our legal nurse experts conduct comprehensive reviews of a patient’s medical history often uncovering risk factors and other considerations that can be overlooked by treating physicians. They are then able to collaborate with treating physicians to improve the current treatment plan based on actionable, evidence based recommendations. The benefits to the injured worker include but are not limited to:
  • Reduced risk for prescription opioid painkiller addiction.
  • A modified treatment program based on recovery.
  • A modified treatment program based on the availability of alternative treatments and therapies that may be more effective, and have fewer side effects.
All of which contributes to measurable improvements in quality of care and life for the injured worker- even increasing the likelihood of returning to work sooner.

How Does Medical Cost Containment Positively Impact Your Bottom Line?

Ensuring injured workers receive the right care at the right time from treating physicians, minimizes the financial impact of catastrophic injuries. The goal of ANS PharmIntervention is to improve quality of care by applying expert clinical knowledge and experience to recommend, where appropriate, alternative treatments and therapies. The financial benefits of the ANS PharmIntervention strategy stem from its ability to aid treating physicians in:
  • Improving opioid painkiller practices.
  • Avoiding unnecessary or inappropriate pharmaceutical and medical treatments.
  • Avoiding duplicate therapies in the event of multiple treating physicians.
When done correctly, medical cost containment ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care balanced with the necessary cost controls.

Care without Compromise

ANS Legal Nurse Consultants provide comprehensive reviews of large loss claims while delivering optimized financial results and quality of care for injured workers. To learn more about our medical cost containment strategies visit our website at
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