According to the DEA, sales of prescription painkillers in the United States have quadrupled since 1999. If that isn’t enough to raise eyebrows, consider the following: almost twice as many people abuse prescription drugs as the number of people abusing cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants combined. And if that’s that enough, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that prescription drug overdose death rates in the United States have more than tripled since 1990 and have never been higher. These statistics have raised serious concerns, triggering efforts to build competency around opioid prescription practices in the treatment of chronic pain.
The Doctor-Patient Relationship

ANS Pharmacotherapy Review
In our pharmacotherapy review program we take a highly comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and treatment of injured workers. Through our advanced techniques our experts are able to uncover opportunities for modifications that can improve patient efficacy. Our proven results not only improve the quality of care and life for the patient but also reduce associated medical costs.
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